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The BEGIN project aims to provide a comprehensive program, addressing main labour market stakeholders with regard to diminishing the mismatch between HE students’ skills and the skills sought by the market and thus reducing youth unemployment. BEGIN promotes an initiative to engage in systematic and permanent dialogue HE institutions, employers and all relevant stakeholders.

The specific objectives of the project are:

     1. Boosting teachers’ qualification and knowledge about the relevance of soft skills on the contemporary labour market and equipping them with practical ways to develop these skills in students (BEGIN Training Course for Soft Skills & Personal Development)

    2. Equipping the business sector with knowledge and practical guidelines on how they can contribute to the generation of these skills in students and thus to create the employees meeting their need (BEGIN Practical methodology for joint Business-Education Initiatives)

      3. Meeting education and business, with regard to creating synergies between the sectors towards reducing youth unemployment and documenting the experience as inspiration for others (BEGIN Toolbox for career exploration activities).